Catalog Search Results

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Join the growing number of bilinguals in the Chappaqua community who use Mango Languages through the library to learn over 70 world languages — for free!
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11) Life of Johnson
15) Thomas Hardy
Today Thomas Hardy is best known for creating the great Wessex landscape as the backdrop to his rural stories, starting with Far from the Madding Crowd, and making them classics. But his true legacy is that of a progressive thinker. When he published Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure late in his...
Meet Rona Parish, a talented biographer who has a skill for writing about the past and encountering danger along the way, and her adorable golden retriever, Gus.
Rona's latest project focusing on one of Marsborough's most prominent families lead her to a chilling revelation that hits a little too close to home . . .
Esteemed biographer and freelance journalist Rona Parish is raring to start a new project for the glossy
In ILL (Inter-Library Loan) Services
Didn't find what you needed? Items not owned by the member libraries of the Westchester Library System can be requested via Inter-library Loan from other libraries to be delivered to your local library for pickup.