Catalog Search Results

Learn a new language with your library card!
Join the growing number of bilinguals in the Chappaqua community who use Mango Languages through the library to learn over 70 world languages — for free!
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Accelerated Reader
IL: LG - BL: 4.5 - AR Pts: 1
Before C.S. Lewis wrote The Chronicles of Narnia, he was a young boy named Jack who spent his days dreaming up stories of other worlds filled with knights, castles, and talking animals. His brother, Warnie, spent his days imagining worlds filled with trains, boats, and technology. One rainy day, they found a wardrobe in a little room next to the attic, and they wondered, What if the wardrobe had no end? Years later, Jack began to think about what...
In ILL (Inter-Library Loan) Services
Didn't find what you needed? Items not owned by the member libraries of the Westchester Library System can be requested via Inter-library Loan from other libraries to be delivered to your local library for pickup.